Where Not To Look For Freedom

daily prompt: singular

please help me understand
this wicked planet’s turning
to show my aching soul
which pasts won’t be restored
and what is lost, forever.

then maybe i might know
where not to look for freedom.

or please let me erase
the memories that made me
the person i am, now.
return my childish faith
where reason never mattered.

for once, i might not care
where not to look for freedom.

posts are getting shorter by the day.
can’t help it. am very busy.

To Wish Impossible Things

sometimes it feels like it was yesterday,                           daily prompt: 21st-century-citizen.
sometimes it feels like someone else’s memory.

an air of purity had surrounded her, when she first noticed me. i was sitting across the fire, and through the flames, i looked over to her, from time to time

wondering where she came from
wondering how many people were in love with her.

and then she noticed. i was embarrassed to stare at her, but her rather tragic face lit up when she smiled, and i couldn’t turn away. she reminded me of sophy gray, who once sat for millais, as a young girl.
oh god, she was hautingly beautiful. Continue reading